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the global food business through creative innovation

Data center Draft beer equipment Awards

Draft beer equipment

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  • Awards

    We will do our best to produce and sourcing the best global products
    based on the know-how accumulated through the continuous R & D.

    No. Title Type Date
    23 Citation - 한국기계공업협동조합 Certification 2017.02.15
    22 certificate of Patent - 캔 음료 인출 장치 Certificate of patent 2017.01.03
    21 certificate of Patent - 빙결관을 이용한 단일형 음료 냉각 인출 장치 Certificate of patent 2016.06.30
    20 Certification of Quality Certification(Q-Mark) - 전기냉장고(맥주냉각기) Certification 2016.06.07
    19 certificate of Patent - 빙결관을 이용한 멀티형 음료 냉각 인출 장치 Certificate of patent 2015.12.04
    18 certificate of Patent - 생맥주 냉각 취출 장치 Certificate of patent 2015.09.02
    17 certificate of Patent - 박막 튜브형 공기 밸브 및 이를 적용한 디스팬서용 병마개 Certificate of patent 2015.07.23
    16 certificate of Patent - 캔음료 순간 냉각 장치 Certificate of patent 2015.04.22
    15 certificate of Patent - 생맥주용 슬러시 거품 제조장치의 제어방법 Certificate of patent 2015.03.17
    14 certificate of Patent - 생맥주 용기 주입 장치 Certificate of patent 2015.03.03
    13 Electrical Appliances Safety Certificate - 전기냉장냉동기기(맥주냉각기) Certification 2014.08.26
    12 certificate of Patent - 생맥주용 슬러쉬 거품 발생장치 Certificate of patent 2014.04.21
    11 Certificate of utility model registration - 엘이디를 이용한 광고기능늘 갖는 생맥주 냉각기 Registration certificate 2014.01.15
    10 Certificate of utility model registration - 영상 구현기능을 갖는 생맥주 냉각기 Registration certificate 2014.01.15
    9 Certificate of utility model registration - 개방형 생맥구 인출밸브 Registration certificate 2014.01.15